Orbis Media

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Spotlight on: DrinkCoach

DrinkCoach is the perfect example of what we do at Orbis Media.

DrinkCoach is a set of tools to help people track and change their drinking. It comprises iOS and Android apps, interactive alcohol test, online appointments with alcohol specialists and a responsive advice website.

The innovation lies in delivering a mix of clinically proven techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), mindfulness, extended brief advice and motivational interviewing via digital and online channels.

By offering these treatments digitally, DrinkCoach reaches more people, particularly in the increasing or higher risk groups who wouldn’t attend a traditional treatment service setting.

The impact and innovation of DrinkCoach (formally dontbottleitup.org.uk) saw us made a finalist in the ‘Digital Health’ category of the Tech4Good Awards 2015. DrinkCoach also featured in a host of national and international press including The Guardian, The Sunday Times, Huffpost, The Observer, Sunrise Australia and more.